
Posts Tagged ‘indian women artist’

work of priyanka gupta

work of priyanka gupta

An artist’s life and images are often responses to some pressing cultural and historical needs of the time one lives in and the artistic motivation drives the mind into a journey of discovery, exploration and learning. Priyanka Gupta comes from Kolkata, India, also called the ‘City of Joy’ for its people and the passion with which they lead their lives. This passion has undoubtedly found its way into her own conception and expression of the colors of life through the Art. Images unfold themselves in her works showing at Ashok Art Gallery clearly shows the assimilation of what environmental experiences have to offer in concentrated form. Whenever she confront a blank surface, she goes through all the terror and agony of stepping into an ‘unknown’. What become the directives to the birth of an image are Priyanka’s thoughts and emotions, her readings and observations, her beliefs and values and the vast compilations of past experiences. Once she said,” When I do my abstracts, I am curious about the possibility of exploring myself.”

Some artists seem to have gained from lack of formal training in handling the brush. Priyanka Gupta happens to be one. She is an abstract artist and has done some real impressive work of that genre. Priyanka has a strong visual perception of the structural aspects of abstract imagery. She is mature enough to see her way through the interpenetrating tangle of shapes directly visible, and those imaginable but not present physically. There is some evidence that Priyanka sought first to explore the world of the visible and saw possibilities of subjecting images to aesthetic distortion. This was the first step in her journey towards virtual reality, composed of non-representational but visually/ cerebral persuasive bits and pieces of imagery. The young painter has shown considerable aplomb and conception of significant form. She has exhibited internationally number of times at different major cities with a great response and her works will be at special exhibit in coming India Art Summit 2008 by Ashok Art Gallery. – Samir Dasgupta

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Is it true that another Amrita Shergill has introduced at Indian art? Another woman artist this time is Kanchan Verma. Immensely talented, she has created a huge volume of art works and She is creating more wonderful art works regularly now. Her works show colorful women drawn in realist and impressionist styles sometimes. Kanchan Verma is a young Indian women artist from Kashmir valley.She is living surrounded by every beautiness of nature and it reflects thoroughly at her works.Kanchan Verma’s work are deep symbols of women and a rich sea of colours that show a way to reach into the unconscious mind that is very vital. The symbols are highly concentrated and therefore are not to be interpretated in a near sense but give way to sophisticated interpretation. Her works enforces you to read your society and your background through her works with the baggage of those expectations and experience. We all know that political and cultural distinctions provide attraction, but there is the high danger that people just engage with a cultural mask in the end. I believe the banality of play between reaction and art can be more genuine. Work as form and its interrelation with people as consciousness is what counts.
All the six works are showing at Ashok Art Gallery interpretes the artists soul as an e.g. naturalistic picture or naturalistic dream, because there swing with so much connotations that are taken into account now and find a way out of the soul. Generations have peered at Kanchan Verma’s Artistic jurney.vew and wondered about its dark secrets. But now, after its creation, She believes she has the answers to its riddles. In contemporary India, there are many women painters who are drawing a lot of attention. And Kanchan Verma is one of them for sure.

Contemporary Art Reviews : Ashok Art Gallery

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